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टरबाइन व्हील शाफ्ट
Transmission parts
टर्बो और कोर

The company is equipped with advanced Japanese Tsugami 5-axis turning and milling compound fully automatic machine tools, with a daily output of more than 10,000 floating bearings. The use of Korean YL double-sided high-precision grinder can ensure that the product thickness error is controlled within 2ΜM. At the same time, the CNC machine tool automated production line equipped with a frame manipulator is used to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of processed products. Products with special shapes and positioning requirements are all processed on high-precision CNC machining centers. These production equipment enable us to achieve a daily production schedule of 1,500 thrust bearings and 2,000 other conventional products while ensuring product quality. We can provide customers with services quickly, professionally and efficiently.

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